Saturday, November 24, 2012

Waning, Pouring....No One is Snoring?

Well, catchy title for today I guess.  But really, as the Ed Tech course winds down, the work wanes a bit as the final projects begin to take form.  A few more weeks, one more "live" class, and then.....the next course.  So what have I got to say for Ed Tech at this stage of the game?  One cool class.....lots of thinking on the web.......a refueling of sorts or a reconfiguring of my teaching strategies....(we do that a lot in education..."change" they call it) much exploring online.......found many great ideas, sites, signed up for a few new things as well.  Haiku, the online LMS (ok, for those not jiving with the lingo...Learning Management System), Xtranormal...actually had known about it a while back, but fun to use, Voice Thread....Really, I was the only one who did the video?  How cool is that?  Teaching on the to take that farther......further?   

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