Friday, October 5, 2012

The Borg......

All the learning theories.....all the possibilities....and then I made a connection.......I remembered the "Borg"!  The amazing science fiction creatures created for the Star Trek series:  Voyager.  Captain Janeway, commander of the Starship enterprise (really, Jane!), guided the Enterprise crew through an array of space anomalies, worm holes, misguided planetary misfits, when finally they ran into the Borg Collective!  "We will assimilate you!" was their motto.  It suddenly occurred to me that the Borg Collective seemed a lot like connectivists and their knowledge was connected we are the connected knowledge...we are the Borg!  The Borg communicated as one being, sharing all their thoughts, channeling all their power....they traveled in black was so cool.  Sounds like the Internet, doesn't it?  "We will assimilate you"..................

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