Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learning and Knowledge 2

Musings on learning and knowledge.....

Learning:  Collecting information, sorting and putting it away for later use, retaining and regurgitating pieces of stuff,  storing like little much can we hold is yet to be seen.

Knowledge:  Using the stuff we have gathered and stored, reorganizing it, knowing what to use and when, retrieving it and disseminating it like dandelion seeds......connecting and reconnecting it in so many different ways.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Just like I used to be.....

Interesting.   I sat in my Ed Tech class today and I do not think I said more than two or three words.  I was listening to the info on the 4 theories Jane presented.  I listened to comments and questions from some others in the class.  I formed some thoughts, some opinions, some possible theories of my own.  I completed or started to complete the scavenger hunt with my neighbor, I looked out the window at the great colors beginning to appear on the trees.  I watched a butterfly flutter by......twice at different times.  Almost like it wanted to join the conversation inside..  I heard some "joke" comments, a few questions, a "from the heart" story.  But I was quiet most of the time.   As I was driving home, I thought about how I learn in a group.  It goes way back.  I am by nature rather quiet.  I listen well, sometimes daydream, but still maintain most of what I hear.  If someone talks too much, I will begin to tune out.  If someone does not ask me for an opinion, I may not offer it.  If I offer something but do not get chosen, I will not insist I be heard.  I'm flexible in that way.  And maybe what I had to say really wasn't that important...or was just something to make me want to participate even though it added little substance to the topic.
      So I thought about how I learn and how I think my students learn.  And I pictured myself being a student in my current classroom (or myself in a past classroom) as an elementary student.  What was it like for me then, or what is it like now for them.  Two parallel spaces happening years apart, but still the same.  Assume a student is quiet by nature.  He/she will be drowned out by someone who is not.  The quiet student will be the teacher, to the other students, and then making decisions on IF and WHEN they themselves will participate...or will not participate.  Or will they just "tune out"?   So what would the teacher assume?  Quiet students may be listening, but not understanding?  Quiet students will not do as well as outspoken or witty students?  Quiet students may have a learning disability that is yet to be uncovered?  Or will the teacher think....maybe the others talk too much?  Maybe others are dominating the conversation and taking the class into their own hands.  Or maybe the teacher may feel he/she is not facilitating the discussion well enough to allow for other learning personalities the time to prepare an entrance or a space to be involved..........Much like a roundabout...many cars entering, only the pushiest drivers cruise through at breakneck speeds while the "quiet drivers" wait for their space to go.    Or maybe not everyone has to say something everytime?  Is that okay too?  Do I do this in my class?  Do I let or provide enough opportunities for the quiet students to speak even though they may feel outnumbered or even "less-learned" than the talkative students...who can say a lot but mean less? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just some thoughts

Post a little here, post a little there.  Read some posts, have some respond or not to respond.  So far we have had quite the discussions about the Bruner readings, and now the New Science articles.  It is interesting to try to figure out who is a current educator, who is wanting to be, and who is not at all in the course.  And then, what grades or types of school are they in, or not.  Lots of different perspectives, but all with something good to say.  How interesting how so many of us responded negatively (or at least with a spark to our posts) to the articles and concepts so far.  What is learning or knowledge...why do they have to be different?  Why do we have to define them in a narrowing way?  Are they really that they have more in common than not? Can I think of more questions to ask myself....or for someone to read?  Purely pondering pervasively, probably.......

Friday, September 14, 2012

Not alone in this idea...

So I felt like I was one of the few to think that the Bruner article smacked of "I'm smarter than you" concepts, but not so.  As I waded through it, picking out this point and that, it was indeed "heavy" as we used to say way back when........but my overall view of what we are doing nowadays in education is this:  we as educators REALLY DO know what our students need as learners, but once again, those outside in the "other" world (can't be the real world...'cause that's the classroom...) decide what is important and we test to their ideas, not what the students need.  We see kids on a daily basis, we have to be teachers, learners, psychologists, counselors, sociologists, food service personnel, technology experts, sometimes even their health care technician...(notice I said that is another profession going through major changes based on someone's idea of the perfect "delivery system"....gee, babies anyone?)  So yea, we use all we have every day and every year DESPITE those in the towers of knowledge who have come up with the next "Great Idea" (based on years...and years...and years of research) to teach kids.....Just like the wheels on the bus go round and round (c'mon, you know the tune...) do the "new" systems of educational change.....Wait until the Common Core really kicks in......WE ARE SAVED!   (right..........)

(Picture from this blog my caption added:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Time for Ed Tech

Greetings.  Seems like a need for a new blog as I continue with my studies.  So, here it is.  Isn't it just so calming?  More to do on it as time goes.  Stay tuned!  Me